Site design and hosting

IRIS Interactive, “Digital fingerprint designer”

Head Office:
4 rue du PNDF, Cité Numérique du Pensio
43000 Le Puy-en-Velay

Triple Lootz, a web marketing agency in the Landes managed all aspects of website search engine optimisation for indexing and referencing. More information at

Publisher contact details

Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Landes Atlantique Sud 

Avenue Georges Pompidou
40130 Capbreton
Tel: 05 58 72 12 11

Publication Director: Véronique Brevet
Senior Editor: Denis Dupouy

Terms and conditions of use for the website and services offered

The use of the website implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions of use set out below. These conditions of use may be modified or added to at any time, and users of the site are therefore invited to consult them regularly.
This site is usually accessible to users at all times. However, may decide to interrupt access to the site for technical maintenance purposes and will endeavour to inform users of the dates and times of the intervention beforehand.
The site is updated regularly by the Webmaster. Similarly, the legal notices may be modified at any time. Nonetheless, they are binding on the user who is invited to consult them and take due note as often as possible.

Tourism data

SIRTAQUI is the Aquitaine Regional Tourist Information System.
Information on accommodation, activities and leisure pursuits, heritage, restaurants, festivals and events is collected by a network of partners and consolidated in a common database that meets quality requirements for the collection, input, formatting, checking and distribution of information.
Co-funded by Europe, the Region and the departments, and steered by the Regional Tourism Committee, the system brings together the Departmental Tourism Committees of the Dordogne, Gironde, Landes, and Lot-et-Garonne, as well as the Béarn and Pays Basque Tourism Attractiveness Agency. The latter organise and manage their departmental network.

The photos from the SIRTAQUI software package can be re-used under the “Creative Commons By-NC-ND 3.0-fr” licence.

Scope of contents

Despite the care taken in gathering information and producing the site using the latest technologies, errors, omissions, inaccuracies, cuts or additions that are beyond our control may remain or be included on this site. cannot, for this reason, be held liable, either expressly or implicitly, for the entire content of the site; the user of the site and the information it contains acknowledges that they do so at their own risk and that cannot, therefore, be held liable for any prejudice, direct or indirect, of any nature whatsoever resulting in whole or in part from the use of information on the site.
Similarly, IRIS Interactive cannot be held liable for the nature or content of the sites indexed on the following pages and, in particular, those for which access is permitted by the use of hyperlinks appearing on the pages on this site. In accordance with Law No. 87-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to consult and rectify any data concerning you.

Copyright © – Links

Reproduction on paper

With the exception of photographs and images, reproduction of the pages of this site on paper is authorised, subject to the following conditions.

  • free distribution,
  • respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced (no modifications or alternations of any kind)
  • explicit mention of the site as the source and mention that the reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.

Reproduction in electronic format

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  • Click on OK to save settings changes.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

Any dispute relating to the use of the website is subject to French law.
In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.

Protection of personal data

CNIL declaration
In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January1978 (amended by Law No. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data) relating to information technology, files and freedoms, the site has been the subject of a declaration to the French Data Protection Agency (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés) (

Right of access
In application of this law, users have the right to access, rectify, modify, and delete any data that concerns them personally. This right may be exercised by post or by e-mail to the following e-mail address:
Personal data collected are in no way entrusted to third parties except for the purposes of the possible proper performance of the service requested by the user.

Your personal data are confidential and will not be communicated to third parties except for the purposes of the proper performance of the service.

General and specific terms and conditions for the sale of tourism services

The general and specific terms and conditions of sale of the Landes Atlantique Sud Tourist Office can be downloaded from the link below.

Download terms and conditions