Contact us

For Capbreton :
Loulou : 06 88 21 90 93 /
Jérome : 06 82 44 53 21 /

For Soustons :
Stéphane : 05 58 41 43 00 /

How to come ?


  • Bordeaux is 2 hours away
  • Montpellier is 5 hours away
  • Paris is 7 hours away
  • Lille is 10 hours away
  • Strasbourg is 11 hours 30 away


  • On arrival or departure from Dax and Bayonne stations by TGV.
    Connection by TER for the stations of Saint Vincent de Tyrosse and Labenne
    Connection by bus (see below).Book your train tickets with

BY bus

To travel on site or for connections from train stations:
Ligne XLR n°7 Dax Soustons Capbreton Labenne
Lignes YEGO