The men of Jérome Daret’s French Rugby 7s team are at home in Capbreton. They know the area inside out, and it is with this generation that Rugby à 7 is anchoring its sporting history on the doorstep of Paris2024. An extraordinary sporting and, above all, human journey.                                                                                                                                    👉 [ I’ll be training with you ] Capbreton Games Preparation Centre Capbreton and the South Landes Coast: Land of Games for the 2024 Olympics 🔥

                   At the mic 🎤, Jérôme Daret,  coach

We’re preparing for the Olympics. Our ambition was also to digest our World Championship title. To get the machine going again, because there were quite a few injuries and a lot of tiredness. We’re at the end of a very solid regular season. That was our objective, to recharge our batteries and get back on track. And then with the ambition of building up to this third week.

‘Laurette de Paname’, our dance coach, is now helping us to develop strategies around self-confidence, managing our emotions and feeling good about our bodies and minds so that we can perform and find a state of flow around mastering the tempo and changes of rhythm.

Capbreton is incredible. The whole town is behind us, the people are very receptive and attentive.

And then behind that, we have the Maison de la perf which has arrived, which is helping us a lot, which is a real high-performance tool to be able to function well. There’s also ground optimisation, which has been transformed by collaboration between different worlds, but which also brings a lot of power and richness to our work. Then there are the environments and the elements, with the work around the ocean, the power of the ocean. And then on the beach too, with this little mound. Let me be precise, I don’t go on the dune, but we really work on the beach and on the sand, which brings us a lot of benefits in terms of athleticism and mental tension, of course. To be able to perform and get into the specificity of our rugby 7s game.