In April 2023, the neighbors of the Bayonne Rugby Team, (Aviron Bayonnais) came to train at the Isle Verte sports center: physical preparation, team cohesion…

Meeting with Grégory Patat, manager of the Aviron Bayonnais and Denis Marchois, captain.

there is the pride of the belonging to this territory which is characterized.
We call that character I believe. And we identify ourselves well with that.

What is the objective of the training course?

Gregory Patat, manager of the Aviron Bayonnais

The idea is to bring the whole team, even the injured players, to share one last moment before the final stretch of our championship, to get away from the Jean Dauger stadium, to come and find sports facilities that allow us to work well and to create cohesion outside of rugby.

Denis Marchois, captain of the Aviron Bayonnais

To recharge our batteries, to get back to our roots. It comes at the right time, we’re not going very far but it does us good, to be all together, to have fun and spend time together. It’s also good to spend time together on the field playing rugby, we need it!

And the equipment?

Gregory Patat

The rugby fields, the weight room, the hydrotherapy, the gym but with the beautiful sunshine we have this week, we don’t need to use it.
So we tried to anticipate, to look at all the facilities that allow us to adapt to the different conditions. There is everything nearby, the refectory, the rooms, there is everything to have a unity of place or performance.

Denis marchois

It’s a place we know, where we like to come. Especially for us injured people, there is a small but very practical weight room, which is always very pleasant because when we do a physical session, we are facing a wall and here we are facing a lake, so it’s nice. Frankly it is very pleasant for that.

Why Soustons?

Gregory Patat

There is the ocean, there is the mountain, there is the pride of the belonging to this territory which is characterized.
We call that character I believe. And we identify ourselves well with that.